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Citizenship Investment

Citizenship Investment

What is Citizenship-by-investment

Acquisition of citizenship has become relatively easy for people who are wealthy and do not necessarily pertain to long-term residency in several countries. Many other countries have begun to follow into such footsteps and grant full citizenship provisions to investors and wealthy residents. Currently, only 9 countries offer the citizenship-by-investment program all over the world. Turkey, Malta, St Kitts and Nevis, Austria, Grenada, St. Lucia, Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica and Montenegro are some of the countries that have introduced the investment plan for obtaining full citizenship without having to prove birth place or marriage to a citizen. Not only does this policy allow wealthy individuals to have an upper hand because of their wealth but also improves the application process. Similarly, countries like Hong Kong, Australia, the USA, Switzerland, Portugal, Canada, Singapore, the UK and Monaco allow acquisition of resident permits to investors and wealthy individuals. The citizenship-by-investment program is also mistook for “Economic citizenship” which is an entirely incorrect term.

Additional points to consider

In addition to the above-mentioned points, geographic location of the state is one of the most important characteristics of becoming a citizen. Other factors are economic stability, political and business environment, state’s official language, legal system and banking, passport policies observed by the state, state’s economic and overall reputation and lastly, the future expenditure of the citizenship application and process.

Be cautious on illegal ‘programs’ and unqualified agents

An alternative citizenship is best evaluated when it is based on the laws and constitution introduced by the state. The main characteristic of a citizenship is its legality that potentially solidifies the position of the citizen in the eyes of the state. Likewise, people also opt for illicit ways to acquire citizenship when their sources are exhausted and they reach a dead end. Bribery for obtaining illegal passports and even citizenship permits are common practices in many countries. However, the only downfall to this approach is that the risk of the exposure of the illegal activity conducted by the individual is multiplied threefold. Despite the wide discretion enjoyed by superior personalities like Presidents or ministers, an individual, when acquires citizenship through illegal means that involves payment, has a high risk regardless the reputation of the state. What is illegal remains illegal in the eyes of the law. This practice sometimes also leads to blackmailing by third parties for money. For same reason, citizenship that is founded on the principles of law and constitution of the state’s government is considered to be concrete and acceptable by the state.
Many countries offer programs that are legal but lack business intelligent approach. For instance, over the past few years,real estate developers, agents, and related companies have turned to nations that have altered their citizenship programs to bring more value to the state’s revenue. After the program was redesigned by St. Kitts and Nevis successfully brought USD 1 billion to the nation which motivated other countries to do the same. This might seem like a huge strike but in reality, where citizenship investment programs are concerned, extreme measures and precautions must be taken place to ensure the integrity of the policies. Malta individual Investor Program is the single most effective and powerful regulated program that has maintained its consistency over the years.

International Passport sincerest advice to our clients

International Passport has been working endlessly over the last 20 years to ensure that individuals acquire citizenship on legal grounds and abide by state laws during the citizenship program. Not only do we keep tabs on illegal programs circulating around to mislead the distressed individuals but we also offer sincere devices to our clients in their best interest. From taking care of legal operational aspects to working round the clock with our team of expert individuals, we promise best and affluent citizenship services to our clients.