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Important Points

Important Points

Points to be noted

Avail proper assistance and advice pertaining to the citizenship under legal operational aspect with the International-Passports to begin this journey

Important Points to learn about Citizenship Planning

The term citizenship holds great significance as it defines the nationality of an individual in its full form. Not only does citizenship makes an individual closer to the sovereign state but also provides a variety of laws to protect them. Rights and duties are lawfully tethered to a citizen when the relationship between a citizen and state solidifies but that does not imply that freedom is not served to the citizen. In the 18th century, when French and American revolutions were in full swing, the term citizenship was introduced to end the coercive powers imposed by monarchs. Citizenship refers to the relationship approved between a sovereign state and an individual driven by state laws and responsibilities that come with being a citizen.


Passports and citizenship

For travelling purposes, passports are issued by either a UN organization or a sovereign state. Passports are the identification holder documents. Usually, the passport of the travelling individual is considered to be evidence of citizenship.

Citizenship is a major requirement for the acquisition of a passport so that your travelling is not limited. Generally, when non-citizens are issued passports, they are often met with strenuous challenges. These passports are legal but because of their affiliation with a non-citizen, they cannot do much to add flavour to your worldwide trips. Some of the examples include refugee passports, diplomatic passports, UN and travel documents acquired from individual states or international organizations. All in all, full citizenship permits an individual to have an easier travelling experience all around the world under the state’s protection laws.

Diplomatic passports

If international organizations or competent authorities are the ones to issue the passport to the individual who is claimed to be an accredited holder in the eyes of the host state, only then the diplomatic passports can be used legally. The issuing state citizens usually hold diplomatic passports.

Dual citizenship

As implied by the term, when a person holds documents pertaining to the laws of more than two states, it is called Dual Citizenship. An individual can either receive dual citizenship through the legal citizenship process or marriage to another state citizen. Similarly, birth plays a significant role and is one of the common reasons for dual citizenship.

Citizenship of another state can easily be acquired, provided that the citizenship laws enforced by your current state concur to your dual citizenship planning.

On the other hand, there exist certain states that do not support dual citizenship in light of the predisposed exceptions policies. For example, Singapore is known widely for its single-citizenship policy that only works if you have relinquishment proof of your previous citizenship applications. This is the root cause why many international clients are reluctant to invest or grow their businesses in Singapore.

Acquisition of alternative citizenship

Principal grounds for acquiring citizenship are birth within a certain territory, descent from a citizen parent, marriage to a citizen, and naturalization. The conditions under which the privilege of the grant of citizenship or naturalization is given vary from state to state, but family relationships or lengthy periods of residence are usually essential, besides character and other requirements such as knowledge of the national language.

Primary Citizenship principles involve birth, descendant from parents that hold citizenship of the state, neutralization and a citizen spouse. Citizenship policies under which an individual has accredited a citizen are different for different states. However, one common principal ground among all states is the family relationship or when an individual is the resident of the state for an extensive spell. Other than that, familiarization with the national language is also an essential criterion to boost your citizenship application.