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Investment Migration Countries

Over the years, many countries have adopted the culture of residence by investment or citizenship by investment programs to facilitate families and individuals who are seeking a better way of life. The greatest benefit of investment migrations is the flexibility of policies, security, and a better economic and political environment for the future. The 21st-century insurance policy opens extensive opportunity doors for wealthy families, alternative citizenship being the top of the list.

In today’s century, diversification has become a leading trail of success for families through the acquisition of worldwide domiciles thereby increasing yield in a short period of time. When the assets of a wealthy family are diversified, the family becomes less likely to be at the receiving end of global and regional volatility. International-Passports proudly offers an extended set of investments migration solutions to our clients to enhance their value in the world.

To sustain residency in Canada, the permanent Canada residents must show proof claiming two to five years of residency.

The criteria for obtaining residency in United Estate Of America is USD 1,050,000 into a non-targeted employment area project to USD 800,000 into a targeted employment area project in a rural area or an area with high unemployment

To sustain residency in Australia, the permanent Australian residents must show proof claiming two to five years of residency.

The criteria for obtaining residency in New Zealand undergoes as: investing between 3 million NZD and 10 Million NZD

In the rankings of best GDP per capita, Singapore has been rated as one of the wealthiest countries. It is the first choice of many.